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5 secrets to using what you have to stretch your marketing assets further

Regardless of industry or of company size, marketers across the board continue to be tested with the same task: Find a way to hit your goals with less. Less time, lower budgets and smaller teams. Not to mention the increasing pressure to create a never-ending stream of exciting and relevant content on more channels than ever before. Talk about daunting! If you’re planning your content calendar and are unsure of how to fill the gaps, we’ve got you covered.

Efficiency is the name of the game these days, so if your team has yet to take advantage of repurposing your content, you’re missing out on an ample opportunity. Repurposing content will not only save your team time but also allow you to reach new audiences, ensure your team’s great content is not forgotten, and make the most of the time and effort put into your hard work.

Chances are you and your team have a big library of quality content you’ve worked hard to create over the years. Rather than spinning your wheels trying to come up with completely new ideas, why not go back through your repository and find opportunities to reimagine and recycle what you’ve already got?

Check out these five ways to take your already awesome content and stretch it further.

1. Blog post: Repurpose the topic

Do you have a blog post that hits home with your audience? Fabulous! What does that say about the topic and your audience’s interest in it? And how can you repackage it in a new way for your audience to consume? As simple as it sounds, one easy way to repurpose a written piece is to pull out the main message or topic resonating with your readers. That message can be reused and recycled in as many ways as make sense for your brand (and the channel you plan to use)!

The Art of Repurposing blog-to-pod

Blog thought starters:

  • Could the topic be reused for an upcoming webinar?
  • Can the story be turned into a podcast episode?
  • Is there an insight about your audience you could run with to create a guide or launch a survey?

2. Webinar and guide: Summarize the important points

A meaningful way to look at repurposing the content within a meaty piece like a guide or a webinar is to summarize the main points and repackage them into another, shorter piece of content. Some people prefer to sit down and read a long-form piece from start to finish, while others prefer the TLDR version, so pulling out the important points for easy consumption is a quick and reliable way to stretch your content even further. Pro tip: A great place to start is with the section headers!

The Art of Repurposing Guide-to-InfoG copy

Webinar thought starters:

  • Could the talk track from the webinar be turned into your next blog topic?
  • Can you use the main ideas as a launching point in your next podcast episode?
  • Are there a few fun or insightful moments of the recorded webinar that you could slice and dice to promote on social?

Guide thought starters:

  • Do the main points of your guide lend themselves to a visual graphic such as an infographic or social carousel?
  • Can you repurpose the subhead sections and create a blog series that leads back to your guide?
  • Could the main points of the guide serve as an outline for your upcoming webinar?

3. Report: Make it visual

Did your brand recently launch a survey report that had great engagement? Let’s take all that data and turn it into visual and engaging content! Regardless of the topic, surveys are full of all sorts of statistics and insights that can be repackaged in a number of ways. Pull out the most insightful, thought-provoking or even surprising findings and turn them into beautiful visuals. We understand that creating charts and visuals from data is no easy lift, so be sure to get the most mileage you can out of them by using them in upcoming presentations, emails and social posts.

The Art of Repurposing report-to-chatbot

Report thought starters:

  • Are there key statistics that could serve as the hook to get someone engaging with your website's chatbot?
  • Can you leverage some of the insights to help set the stage for your next webinar?
  • Could you turn statistics into engaging visuals for your upcoming email campaign? Bonus: Use the most surprising stats as subject lines to increase open rates!

4. Infographic and video: Break it down into smaller pieces

Infographics and videos are both incredibly engaging content mediums, but also require a great deal of effort. That being said, let’s take a top-performing piece and try approaching it differently. It’s clear the message is resonating with your audience, so how can we break it down into smaller pieces that can be consumed on different channels? Making your information snackable will allow you to reach new audiences – as simple as it sounds, different people prefer different types of content! Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

The Art of Repurposing InfoG-to-Social copy

Infographic thought starters:

  • Could you pull out some visual elements, such as charts or statistics, that can be shared on social media?
  • Is there an insightful statistic that could be used to promote this infographic on some of your most popular web pages?
  • Can you use the most surprising statistic or insight to hook your audience on your website’s home page or within your chatbot messaging?

Video thought starters:

  • Would a few stills from the video work in the format of paid social advertisements?
  • Could you find 15-30 second clips and share them on channels geared more toward short-form videos such as Instagram or TikTok?
  • Can you take the video script and adapt the story into long-form, zero-click content for social?

5. Case study: Group relevant messages

Has your team been producing some killer client case studies? One effective way to repurpose something like a case study is to focus on grouping relevant messages. Oftentimes, these stories will all speak to the same pain point that a product or service solves for its audience. For instance, do several case studies address how easy it is to use your product? Pull out that red thread and run with it!

The Art of Repurposing CaseStudy-to-Compilation

Case study thought starters:

  • Can you repackage several client case studies into a case study compilation with messaging that is specifically targeted toward one of your buyer personas?
  • Can you repackage a common theme in your case studies (such as clients speaking about your product’s usability) and re-present it in the form of a newsletter?
  • Can you pull out a bunch of standout quotes from customers with similar roles and turn them into social graphics?

The beauty of efficiency

Many of the factors we as marketers and creatives face in the industry today are out of our control. Goals continue to grow, and the task of scaling our business can be overwhelming when budgets are tight. Taking a hard look at the different ways you can stretch your content further is an incredibly effective way to get the most value out of your efforts. Your content library is likely already chock-full of some great ideas, so now is the time to consider repurposing them so they can continue driving impact for your business.

The real beauty of this is that repurposing your assets is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ways to keep reaching your goals with fewer resources. Interested to learn more about how you and your team can keep growing even when budgets get cut? Check out our latest guide!