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Analytics for Your Brand Assets...Introducing Event Feed

We're happy to announce an exciting new feature: a way for Brandfolder admins to understand the Who/What/When/Where around the brand assets accessed in their Brandfolder.

We're calling this new feature Event Feed and it will show you the last 50 events that happened on each of your Enhanced Brandfolders. Admins can access the Event Feed by clicking on "Admin" in the editor bar at the top of your Brandfolder in Edit Mode or on the Brand Overview page.

A few details around the Event Feed feature:

  • It is only available on paid Brandfolders
  • It is only accessible by admins of the Brandfolder
  • It is limited to showing the last 50 events
  • Location is based on IP Address and not always available or 100% accurate
  • Users of your Brandfolder (admins, collaborators, or guests) will be displayed with their email or name
  • Other Brandfolder users will show as "Another user"
  • Non-logged-in users will show as "An anonymous user"
  • It will show the following events:
    • Viewing your Brandfolder
    • Updating your Brandfolder (name, description, or URL)
    • Inviting new users
    • Viewing an asset
    • Updating an asset
    • Adding an asset
    • Deleting an asset
    • Updating subscription

We'd love to get your thoughts on the new feature in the comments below or via email to