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New Integration: Brandfolder + Sketch

Brandfolder and Sketch icons

In a continual effort to make creative teams more efficient, Brandfolder is proud to announce that our DAM platform now integrates with Sketch, the #1 tool used by UI/UX designers to create beautiful web and mobile interfaces.

With the Brandfolder plugin, creatives can now access their digital assets and place them directly into their designs -- all from inside Sketch.

What does this mean for efficiency? 

  • It eliminates downloads. Users can place brand imagery, illustrations, graphics, icons, vectors, etc into design projects directly from the plugin window without having to download them first and drag them into Sketch. Save your time (and the space on your hard drive).
  • It ensures accuracy. Brandfolder provides robust versioning, so users know they’re using the most recent (and approved) assets when they’re working on designs within Sketch.
  • It speeds up workflow. Finding assets has never been quicker. The organization of the asset library within the plugin is intuitive, and includes a search field to speed up findability.
  • It maintains correct file formats. The Brandfolder plugin supports many file types, including SVGs. Unlike other tools that rasterize (and pixelate) vectors, Brandfolder mains vector formats so assets can scale in size without losing quality.
  • It’s highly visual. Much like the Brandfolder platform, the plugin is also highly visual. We provide large, high quality thumbnails of your brand assets to make browsing and locating easier.
  • It empowers creatives to use tools they know (and love). Improve on a workflow and process creatives are already comfortable with, by making a familiar tool like Sketch more powerful and feature-rich.

Here’s how you can connect Sketch and Brandfolder

Install Brandfolder’s Sketch plugin:

  1. Download the most recent version of the plugin here.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Double click brandfolder.sketchplugin.

Use the Sketch plugin:

  1. Open a Sketch project.
  2. Click Plugins > Brandfolder > Open Brandfolder.
  3. Enter your Brandfolder API key.
  4. Click on a Brandfolder to view its assets.
  5. Select place on an asset to place it into your current Sketch artboard.
  6. If an asset has multiple attachments, click on the # Attachments button to view them all.
  7. Select place on the attachment you wish to use.