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Elaine Appleton Grant

Podcast Allies x Elaine Appleton Grant: Stories Can Change Us

Episode Summary

In the age of multitasking, podcasts seem to be more popular than ever. Lucky for us, our next guest, Elaine Appleton Grant, is somewhat of a storytelling and podcast expert. After years of working in public radio, Elaine shifted her focus to help nonprofit and social impact organizations share their mission through podcasting. In this episode, we dive into the root of why podcasts are so popular today and how they can be incredibly beneficial for mission-driven organizations. We discuss how audio is the “most visual of mediums” as well as the beauty of intimacy that storytelling brings. In a world with never ending distractions, podcasting has become a tool for many organizations to share meaningful stories. Check out this episode to learn new insights on how to be a better storyteller and more!

Key Takeaways:

  • We learn what questions you should ask yourself when considering starting a podcast

  • Elaine, Nick and Mac share some of their favorite podcast recommendations!

  • We discuss examples of how podcasting can be a useful tool to invite listeners into the nuances of a charitable or social impact organization.

  • Curious why people prefer podcasts over other mediums? Elaine shares helpful insights from focus groups.