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Jimmy Sansone

The Normal Brand x Jimmy Sansone: Authenticity From Top to Bottom

Episode Summary

This week’s featured guest is Jimmy Sansone, co-owner of The Normal Brand. 

Growing up as one of ten siblings in the Midwest wasn’t always easy but Jimmy Sansone made the most of it. Thanks to support from his entrepreneurial parents, the St. Louis native banned together with his brothers to form companies that did everything from sealing driveways to selling Poinsettias. After starting his career in investment banking, Jimmy realized his calling was in fashion when he went shopping for a “normal” shirt and couldn’t find one. Today, Jimmy and his brothers are back in business once more with a clothing brand built on authenticity and a rock-solid team. In this episode, Jimmy teaches us exactly how he pulls it all off despite the obstacles business owners face. You won’t want to miss this inspiring discussion! 

Key Takeaways:

  • We learn that building a great team means putting your own ego aside. 

  • Jimmy shares his insight into creating authentic marketing that goes beyond the buzzword. 

  • We discuss why having a strong support system is the foundation of any successful business. 

  • Want to build a brand where employees will want to spend their entire career? Jimmy shares what he looks for when hiring.

  • We explore what happens when you plan your content marketing around your life instead of the other way around.