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Lucy Hitz (Microsoft) x Lucy Hitz: Being Radically Present

Episode Summary

From email notifications and social networks to household chores and current events, the world moves faster than ever, and our attention is pulled in dozens of directions each day. Staying focused and in the moment is a major struggle that can impact our relationships with our colleagues, our customers, our loved ones, and even ourselves. In this episode, Lucy Hitz, Director of Content at (now part of Microsoft), shares her advice on how marketers can stay “radically present” each day, whether navigating a company acquisition (Lucy’s been through two!), understanding ever-evolving buyer personas, or balancing a career with a new baby.

Key Takeaways: 

  • How can you truly understand and reach your marketing personas? Lucy reminds us that personas are people, and the best way to connect with them is by taking the time to lead with empathy. 

  • We explore ways to ensure your content resonates with and stays true to your audience.

  • We discuss how setting objectives and key results (OKRs) can help you be more present in both your personal and professional life.

  • Lucy shares her experience going through two major acquisitions, one by Sprout Social and another by Microsoft, and how they taught her to be “radically present.”