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Australian National University's client story

How The Australian National University used Brandfolder Content Automation to save design costs and reduce workload

The Australian National University (ANU) is Australia’s number one higher education provider. Located in Canberra, ANU has a cohort of more than 20,000 students and almost 4,000 professional and academic staff. Unlike any other university in Australia, ANU was founded in 1946, in a spirit of post-war optimism, with an important role of helping realize Australia’s potential as the world recovered from a global crisis.

Australian National University logo

Laura Jacobs

Manager, ANU Identity

Company Stats

  • Higher education

  • Located in Canberra, Australia

  • 5 campuses

  • 6,286 exports

  • 19,457 design hours saved

  • AUD$849,240 cost savings

Photo of Australian National University campus with the ANU logo overlaid on a blue square on the left.

This case study is about Brandfolder Content Automation, previously known as Outfit. We are thrilled to offer this templating technology as part of our digital asset management platform. You can learn more about Brandfolder Content Automation here.


Significant brand fragmentation issues led ANU to look for a technology solution to help them with their design struggles. Laura Jacobs, Manager, ANU Identity and currently the University’s internal Brandfolder Content Automation project manager, says the central graphic design studio was overwhelmed with requests and didn’t have the capacity to take on new work.

“There was this huge backlog building up; people were getting frustrated, and more often than not would outsource the work, which sometimes resulted in off brand materials being developed” she says.

In addition to this, ANU had a refreshed brand identity on the horizon and didn’t want to suffer from previous brand inconsistency issues. But, they weren’t naive to the fact that not all ANU staff were as handy at InDesign as their central design studio.

"Brandfolder Content Automation gives us peace of mind in terms of how people are using the brand. We can feel confident that they're not going to stray from the Guidelines as they’re using our beautifully designed and brand compliant templates in Brandfolder Content Automation." – Laura Jacobs, Manager, ANU Identity, The Australian National University

ANU Client Story Page Inline Graphic 2


ANU needed a solution that:

  • would be easy for non-designers to create on-brand content and reduce the central design team’s workload
  • locked down brand assets to ensure brand consistency to support the roll out of the refreshed ANU identity brand
  • was simple to use and flexible enough to make changes without needing ongoing support
  • was a quick and easy way to for managers to approve content and,
  • could support our decentralized structure while empowering our colleagues to manage their own workflows and approval processes.
  • In came Brandfolder Content Automation’s brand management and templating platform. Since early 2019, 6268 content pieces have been exported and the monthly export number has increased month-on-month post the new brand identity launch. Laura credits the success to good planning and insights from Brandfolder Content Automation’s customer success team, including the dedicated support provided by the university’s Customer Success Manager.

"Without Brandfolder Content Automation, we would have spent a lot more money engaging graphic designers because we didn't have the capacity to take it on centrally. We also spent way too much time reviewing, tweaking and approving designs created by freelancers." – Laura Jacobs, Manager, ANU Identity, The Australian National University

“The amount of time and effort that we put into scoping the new templates, understanding how they could be built and testing them, made the process so much more seamless. It wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated support and knowledge from Brandfolder Content Automation’s team,” she says.

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Since implementing Brandfolder Content Automation, ANU has saved more than AU$840,000 in what would have been freelance design costs. Not only have they reduced overheads, but they’ve also experienced a reduction in the central design team’s workload, freeing them up to work on more high-level strategic marketing campaigns with minimal brand check approvals required.

Possibly the greatest benefit experienced is ANU staff using and applying the new identity with ease. “Everybody loves it,” says Laura. “We saw a huge uplift in engagement after launching the brand.”

ANU Client Story Page Inline Graphic 1

"Brandfolder Content Automation gives us peace of mind that ANU staff are properly adhering to the brand. More importantly, and since launching the refreshed identity earlier this year, the Brandfolder Content Automation platform has been crucial in supporting staff in learning how to use the brand elements. It’s been a great support tool for us in rolling out a new brand, as all the key elements are locked down so there’s no concern about staff breaking or altering the logo or key brand elements." – Laura Jacobs, Manager, ANU Identity, The Australian National University

In addition to people using and loving the platform, Laura’s also finding Brandfolder Content Automation’s detailed reporting beneficial to support her ongoing reporting requirements and tracking in regards to the brand rollout.

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