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Conga's client story

Conga Saves Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars With Brandfolder

Conga’s mission is to simplify the revenue life cycle complexity that every company experiences to ensure revenue predictability. By streamlining business processes such as order configuration and pricing, contract negotiation and execution, fulfillment, contract renewals, etc. into one holistic system, Conga is working to simplify and align processes, teams, and technology. With 9 offices across the United States, Europe and Australia, Conga is home to roughly 1,200 employees.

Conga logo
Courtney Finger headshot

Courtney Finger

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Company Stats

  • 1,200+ employees

  • Over $300,000 saved using Brandfolder

  • 9 offices worldwide

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The Problem: A Piecemeal System

Prior to adopting Brandfolder, Conga was juggling multiple file storage solutions — one for internal assets and another for external-facing assets. This piecemeal system was leading to a number of inefficiencies, the largest of which was the fact that documents could take up to 48 hours to upload as they had to move from one system to another. Not only was this wildly inconvenient, but to make matters worse, there were times when documents would completely fail to upload, and only three people in the company across three different continents had access to the backend systems to troubleshoot.

Additionally, Conga was paying for every single user to have a license, which very quickly got expensive. The company had purchased 400 total licenses, but for a company of its size, this wasn’t getting the job done. Not everyone could access important assets, which in turn hindered overall communication and alignment.

When the Conga team considered purchasing additional licenses, they realized they would be investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a system that simply wasn’t working efficiently for them.

Major Cost & Time Savings

Since adopting Brandfolder, the Conga team estimates they’ve saved roughly $300,000 simply from moving to a system with unlimited guest users. Brandfolder’s unlimited guest users empower the entire Conga team to easily access the files they need, with no additional fees required.

Courtney Finger, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Conga, shared how it’s simply easier to train and enable people across Conga with Brandfolder. This means that not only is adoption faster, but it’s also easier for her to delegate the responsibility of managing the product from the backend. The more people on her team who understand how to find the assets they need and update those assets efficiently the better!

She elaborated on Brandfolder’s ease of use and how it has contributed to her productivity: “We’ve saved hours upon hours since adopting Brandfolder. I don’t have to go back every single time I upload an asset to see if it’s working, and then talk to IT if it’s not. I haven’t talked to IT about content-related issues since we launched, and I’m sure they’re happy to have that time back. Our teams are more successful across the company because everyone can easily access the resources and collateral they need.”

A One-Stop Shop: The Conga Center

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The Conga team took the initiative to use Brandfolder to create their own custom-branded portal called The Conga Center. The Conga Center is home to just about every asset at the company, including content from marketing, product marketing, partner teams, customer success, technical teams and managed services.

“We really wanted to brand it within the company so everybody knew that if they needed a resource, messaging, white paper, logo, etc., there's one place to go and there won’t be any issues with access to the content.”

Courtney has been able to train a delegate from each of the departments to use the tool so they can be their own admin for The Conga Center.

“I’m constantly engaging with new teams to get their content on The Conga Center because that’s where everyone is looking — it's become a running joke where we can’t go a single day without bringing up how helpful it is.”

The Conga Center is helpful for the entire organization as it’s home to much more than simply marketing content. Today, the team shares The Conga Center on weekly sales calls, in all-hands meetings and in weekly emails to find everything they need including data sheets, white papers, messaging documents, logos, brand templates, customer stories, external-facing slides, partner content and more. To keep items clearly organized, the team created two different collections within The Conga Center to easily delineate between internal- and external-facing documents.

Additionally, the Conga team created a special portal specifically for their partners. This portal includes co-branded data sheets, rules of engagement, customer success assets and more. It allows their partners to easily access information and resources to talk to their customers and prospects about working with Conga.

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Game-Changing Features

By leveraging Brandfolder’s custom fields and Brand Intelligence, Courtney and her team can pull reports to better understand how the organization is using The Conga Center. For instance, the team has insight into how many assets are in the system, which assets are being used the most and who the most active users are. This provides a better understanding of the overall usage and impact of the tool as well as the individual assets within it.

The Conga team is also leveraging Brandfolder’s share links internally to create one-stop shops for common resources such as product or event information.

“Instead of having to individually link all 15 of the assets I have for a particular product or event, I can put them all under a shared link and send one link out to everybody and say, ‘If you’re looking for anything related to (insert product or event), here's your one-stop shop.’”

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Shared links are also vital for sharing content externally with customers and prospects. A Share Link can be created with multiple assets a customer or prospect is requesting so that they receive one link instead of numerous links or attachments. The customer experience has drastically improved, which has helped to accelerate deal cycle time.

Additionally, the Conga team created a pinned search for assets published or updated within the last seven days so the wider team can easily keep track. This ensures the entire team is not only using the most-up-to-date assets but is also aware of all the updates being made to assets across the company. The team also uses pinned searches for specific content within the same section or for content with specific custom fields, like for events materials.

And last but not least, the Conga team is leveraging Brandfolder’s content delivery network (CDN) to ensure the content on their website is up to date and accurate. With Brandfolder CDN, the team can update a single asset in Brandfolder and it will automatically update at scale across Conga’s website, ensuring that all assets are displaying the correct information.

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Brandfolder has been a game-changing solution for the Conga team by making them more efficient across the board. As they continue to scale, Brandfolder and The Conga Center are well equipped to grow alongside them.

“Today, it takes less than a minute to upload new assets, add them to the collection, add custom fields, and BOOM, it's ready. Replacing an asset takes less than 30 seconds and you don’t need to change anything else — it's a dream! I continue to get feedback daily on the improved experience and how it truly enables teams across Conga to be more successful in their roles.”

Ready to use Brandfolder to simplify your processes and streamline your file storage solutions?

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