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HealthONE's client story


HealthONE is the largest healthcare system in the Denver metropolitan area. They have spent the last 20 years providing essential medical services across 6 hospitals, 13 emergency rooms, 17 ambulatory surgery centers, 30 imaging centers, numerous rehabilitation clinics, and the premier medical transport service, AIRLIFE Denver. HealthONE is a market within the HCA Continental Division, which also includes Wesley Healthcare in Wichita, Kansas.

HealthONE logo
Jayme Hummer headshot

Jayme Hummer

Director of Digital Marketing

Company Stats

  • Founded in 1995

  • The largest healthcare system in the metro Denver area

  • More than 10,000 employees



The marketing team at HealthONE supports 6 different hospital brands in the Denver metro area. Each of these brands has their own marketing team, in addition to numerous external vendors, partners, and freelancers. The primary HealthONE marketing team provides support to each unique hospital identity while also owning and managing division-wide marketing at HealthONE — one of Colorado's most trusted healthcare brands.

This marketing team was faced with many dynamic problems. For example, some HealthONE campaigns only apply to certain hospitals, and each hospital has multiple logo variations. Since HealthONE didn't have a reliable method for sharing digital assets, they struggled to manage all these moving parts.

Email posed sharing restrictions, as original design and photo files were often too large to attach via email. Another problem with email is that it did not allow marketing teams to view and manage all assets at the same time. Since brand assets were stored in a variety of local files and cloud storage accounts, providing teams with access to correct brand assets was extremely time-consuming. – Jayme Hummer, Director of Digital Marketing


HealthONE depends on Brandfolder as their go-to resource for managing all brand assets. The SaaS-based platform makes it easy for freelance designers, media outlets, and other external stakeholders to upload new assets, find the right assets they need, and understand usage guidelines for each.

The entire HealthONE system is equipped with the ability to manage all moving parts efficiently, creating a stronger and more consistent corporate brand identity.

Brandfolder just gets it. Without this tool, managing brand consistency would be a daily challenge. Everyone knows exactly how to find the digital assets they need — and thanks to Brandfolder — they know exactly how to use them. – Jayme Hummer, Director of Digital Marketing


The HealthONE marketing team has one central Brandfolder, which holds generic HealthONE brand assets. This main page links to all other associated Brandfolders, each of which follows a customized section format created by HealthONE. Additionally, a number of private Brandfolders provide designers, vendors, and press with access to a robust image library.


Because each individual asset includes a custom description with specific brand guidelines, managing the use of brand assets is easier and there is greater consistency across the organization. This is also important for photography assets in the stock library, which are labeled with directions for proper attribution and updated each time they are used in a campaign.


By controlling the access levels of each user, HealthONE can both protect and share assets. For example, freelance designers are designated as guests so they can search for and download photography. Hospital marketing teams are designated as collaborators, meaning they can upload, modify, and create custom descriptions for their own assets.

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