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Brandfolder Feature Roundup: December 2021

The Brandfolder engineering team has been hard at work this past fall. Our most recent updates focus on the importance of empowering teams to collaborate, so we’ve partnered with some great companies and tools to make your lives even easier.

Check out how our latest feature updates make Brandfolder even more usable.

Customize Your Content with Templates

At its core, Brandfolder enables marketers and creatives to work more efficiently by eliminating unnecessary roadblocks and repetitive work. A crucial piece of the solution is self-service, meaning Brandfolder enables users and teams to find, download, and share content as they need it. And now, with enhanced templating functionality, users can leverage advanced editing tools to create templates and customize content to fit their needs while working within an approved on-brand design.

Admins and collaborators can quickly create templates that other users can then customize with easy-to-use editing tools. Automatically size or resize templates for marketing channels and lock design elements to control what users can customize. Streamline content customization and protect brand integrity with this intuitive, yet powerful, template creation capability inside of Brandfolder.

Smarter Automations for Bigger Problems

Efficiency is one of the primary drivers for organizations implementing a digital asset management system. However, as your asset library continues to grow, it becomes increasingly complex and labor-intensive to manage. With our new automations improvements, you can now easily create and manage smarter automations to reduce the time and effort needed to maintain a healthy and organized Brandfolder.

The improved automations experience allows users to automatically add labels and custom field values as well as move an asset to a section or add it to a collection. You can automatically trigger automations from user input or leverage industry-leading AI to enforce specific rules about where and how your content should live. Say goodbye to the days of manually maintaining and updating complex automations.

Improving the Shopify Connection

E-commerce activity saw an enormous boost thanks to the pandemic, and all signs point to this trend continuing for years to come. Brandfolder recently up-leveled an already valuable connection with the leading e-commerce platform, Shopify, by creating a more robust integration. By doing so, Brandfolder customers can now streamline their product and marketing content across online stores, landing pages, and promotions.

Shopify empowers users to easily sell to customers via an online store, mobile apps, or point-of-sale. With the Brandfolder integration, Shopify users can quickly find and leverage assets from Brandfolder to build engaging and powerful e-commerce websites without the tedious step of manually uploading and downloading them. Users will also be able to resize and crop images to create on-brand content.

Our Integrations are Getting a Facelift

Building useful connections to other valued technologies is one of the most critical aspects of Brandfolder. These integrations help make Brandfolder more effective, but more importantly, enable our customers to work better, smarter, and faster. In an effort to continuously improve, we’ve upgraded our interface for select integrations, including Contentstack, WordPress, Shopify, Figma, MS Office, Sketch, Contentful, and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

With this new interface, it’ll be easier for users to:

  • Navigate, search, and filter within Brandfolder
  • Drag and drop assets from Brandfolder into any compatible website
  • Help enhance cropping, resizing, and reformatting

If You Like Custom Fields, You’ll Love Requiring Them

If Data is the New Oil, Metadata is the New Gold. And we tend to agree, which is why Brandfolder now has required custom fields to help ensure all the right data is collected when uploading, grouping, or moving content. This means that admin-level users can now specify custom field requirements when adding new assets to better control the health and accuracy of your digital asset management taxonomy.

This becomes particularly valuable for guest uploaders such as partners, agencies, or members outside your organization who might not be as familiar with the way you organize your DAM system.

Power Your Brand with Advanced Sitecore Integration

Sitecore is an enterprise-level content management system (CMS) used by some of the world’s most recognized brands to create seamless digital experiences. Our advanced Sitecore integration allows Sitecore admins to sync their Brandfolder assets, custom fields, metadata, and more directly to the Sitecore platform. Assets can also be searched and published to Sitecore pages through the Content Editor or the Experience Editor.

Sync your entire Brandfolder, or a filtered amount of assets based on sections, labels, tags, or collections. The sync can be run on demand and will add your up-to-date Brandfolder assets as available media in the Sitecore Media Library. Asset details will also be synced and usable including CDN URLs, thumbnail previews, file properties, labels, tags, and embedded metadata. Unlock deeper insights, powerful content creation capabilities, and a single source of truth with this advanced Sitecore integration.

If you’re a Brandfolder user and are interested in learning more about any of these features, check out our Knowledge Base for more detailed tutorials. If you're not a user and would like to learn more, click the button below.