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How to integrate Brandfolder with Salesforce in 3 easy steps

Do you wish there was an easier way to locate and share sales documents from inside Salesforce?

Our newest integration makes it possible for you to access all of your Brandfolders within a single Salesforce tab. Read on to find out why this new feature will save your sales team a lot of time and headache and how to install it in just 3 easy steps.

Why the Brandfolder/Salesforce Integration Matters

If you work in sales, you probably spend most of your day in Salesforce. We also use Salesforce behind the scenes here at Brandfolder, but have been craving on-demand access to our own brand assets and sales collateral we need to nurture leads. And that got us to thinking: We can’t be the only ones who are frustrated by the clunky process of sending leads important information, like up-to-date pricing sheets and user guides. Why not create a feature that solves this problem for our own sales team and for every single Salesforce and Brandfolder user?

The solution was simple: Users can now create and utilize a Brandfolder tab inside their Salesforce accounts. This means you can quickly find sell sheets, contracts, sales decks and everything else which your Brandfolders are comprised of–right from the Salesforce interface. Since Brandfolders can be shared internally with your marketing team, you can be sure that these assets will be up-to-date, relevant and accurate.

If you want to add a Brandfolder tab to your Salesforce account, here’s how (it’s easy!):

How To Integrate Brandfolder With Salesforce

Start: As a Salesforce Administrator, head to the “Create” section and click on “Tabs.” Once you’re in “Tabs” click on the “New” button.

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Step 1 Choose “Full page width” for the screen your Brandfolder integration will appear on.

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Step 2 Under “Display Properties,” fill in the “Tab Label,” “Tab Name,” “Tab Style” and “Content Frame Height.”

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Step 3 Enter the URL that you would like integrated. You can link to a single Brandfolder using a specific URL, or multiple Brandfolders using the My Brands page.

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Great Job! Now you can easily access your Brandfolder via its own tab in Salesforce.

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Want More Brandfolder Tips? If you’d like to get more information on making the most out of Brandfolder, visit our integrations page and get in touch with an expert for a first-hand look at what DAM can do for you.