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New Feature: Custom and Preset Cropping

While it’s never been easier to showcase your brand online, the race for consumer’s attention is highly competitive. Influential brands find ways to maintain consistency across marketing channels but also tell compelling and vibrant stories.

Memorable brand experiences don’t happen by accident. Innovative strategy, attention to detail, and the right MarTech tools are crucial to creating that perfect Instagram advertisement, Facebook profile, or email campaign. As we’ve written about before, robust digital asset management platforms are essential for modern brands. But while most DAMs just make it easy to organize and find assets, the best DAMs don’t stop there.

Brandfolder prioritizes distribution and manipulation of digital assets in addition to it’s core findability and storage functions.

We’re proud to announce Custom and Preset Cropping inside of our advanced export options.

Preset Cropping

Within Brandfolder’s asset modal, users can now crop assets to better fit their intended marketing channel. With just a few clicks, users can apply social media presets (ex. Facebook Cover photo dimensions) within their central source of truth. This eliminates minor edits that often occur externally before uploading an asset to its final destination. Preset cropping also helps mitigate excess downloads that may occur without this feature.

Any time previously spent searching for the image dimensions of a given social media platform can be spent on more strategic projects. Brandfolder presets will be consistently updated with the most popular channel settings and new image settings.

Creating your own presets to fit your unique needs is straightforward, as well. Custom presets can be used throughout your organization to reinforce brand standards and help create the unique brand experience that grabs customer’s attention.

The Brandfolder platform even alerts users when an image quality is below platform standards. By monitoring four different dimensions of an image, users can more confidently tell their brand’s story online.

CustomPreset Cropping V3

Custom Cropping

For one-off edits, custom cropping saves designers and creatives valuable time. Rather than receiving an email request, downloading a file, and creating a new project inside their editing software, Brandfolder helps designers cut to the chase.

Marketers or other professionals can crop assets on their own, giving creatives more time to focus on engaging, essential work. Additionally, Brandfolder’s explicit DO’s and DONT’s sections can help ensure your brand identity remains intact.

To learn more about how custom and preset cropping can save creatives time while helping tell your brand’s story, reach out today.