Brand Isn’t Just for Marketers Anymore
A colleague of mine was recently asked by a prospective client: "How do I get my sales team and sales leadership to buy in on the importance of brand?" My response was simple — a strong brand helps you sell, and a weak brand puts roadblocks in your way.
But how exactly does a strong brand make a salesperson's job easier? In short, your brand’s first impression will open or close doors. A positive brand identity builds trust, influences what customers are willing to pay, and ultimately inspires clients to become your champions — all of which make prospecting easier.
Let’s break it down a bit more. A strong brand will:
Ensure positive and consistent first impressions
Within the first seven seconds of meeting someone new, a solid impression is formed — some research suggests it takes just a tenth of a second to begin assessing qualities like trustworthiness. Your company is subject to these same judgments long before an SDR sends an email or you shake a buyer’s hand.If your brand is known for delivering value to its clients, your approach and discovery questions will resonate more fully with prospects.
Instill trust in prospective clients
A robust, authentic brand generates trust in your business, your product, and you as a salesperson. When a prospect is aware of and trusts your company's brand, it can create a shorter sales cycle. There might be one less manager who needs to see a demo or one less person who has to approve a contract. Every salesperson I know loves a short sales cycle, and leading with a strong brand makes that possible.
Drive a higher price pointWhether your company is B2C or B2B, buyers are willing to pay a premium for products and services from companies they know and trust. Companies like Apple and Nike create a sense of fanaticism and passion around their products. While it’s unlikely anyone will camp out in front of your office to buy enterprise software, a shared belief between buyer and seller helps your bottom line.
An initial price point (even if it’s higher than your competitor’s) may be received better if your company’s brand adds value. That “gut feeling” a customer has about future customer support or lifetime value is the result of your brand’s strength.
Build repeat customers
A company’s brand can help a salesperson generate repeat customers. The specific brand attributes that create repeat customers might vary depending on industry, but common throughlines include consistency and a dedication to continuous improvement. If your organization relies on renewals to drive revenue, or offers products with shelf lives, you need a consistent brand identity. And positioning your brand as one that’s dedicated to continuous improvement will make customers more confident in entering long-term, strategic partnerships.
Bottom line: if a brand is tailored towards its particular market while retaining core consistency, salespeople will find it easier to foster repeat relationships.
Boost Referrals
Any salesperson worth their salt knows that referrals are an invaluable tool for creating inbound inquiries and achieving sales quotas. Customers don't refer companies or products to their friends, co-workers, or connections unless value is demonstrated not only in the product but in the company’s approach to doing business. A strong brand helps to establish and perpetually build trust. Successful brands turn their customers into natural brand advocates because of their consistency and proven value over time.
A “superstar salesperson" always has a shot at closing deals. Smooth talk and vague promises occasionally turn an undeveloped product or a missing feature into a non-issue. However, that’s not a long-term plan for any organization or individual sales rep. Utilizing your company’s brand will help to organically grow your customer base and boost revenue. It’s a matter of working smarter, not harder.