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Brandfolder Feature Roundup: June 2021

Brands are continually improving the content they create for their audiences. Brandfolder aims to do the same for the way brands store and distribute those assets.

It should come as no surprise that maintaining a brand and staying current with every DAM update can be a challenge. So, we’re here to help with a rundown of recent improvements and added features to the world’s most intuitive DAM.

Take a look at these recent Brandfolder updates and why they matter to the way brands do business.

Improved Custom Fields

The information that’s attached to your digital assets is essential to their searchability. Custom fields are a great way to track asset data that’s specific to your business. Now, we’ve added multi-value custom fields and prioritized custom field filters to make it even easier to find assets in ways that better fit how you and your team look for them.

Prioritized filters: Prioritized custom fields will now appear at the top when searching assets using “advanced filters” allowing users to more quickly find content based on the most relevant information to their business.

Multi-value custom fields: Custom fields can now map multiple values to a single custom field.

Why improved custom fields matter

Brands have an eye for which content has the most value and where it has the most impact. Incorporating this knowledge into custom fields as part of a content taxonomy helps ensure that content is put to use and meets its intended purpose.

This means, for instance, that franchises can use multi-value fields to quickly find assets that are only relevant to states in their region. Or, a manufacturing company with a large collection of product photography can more easily narrow down their search based on characteristics that would otherwise be difficult to discern.

With over one million share links in use, Brandfolder understands that getting the right assets to the right people can get complicated. Let’s face it, sharing assets isn’t an exact science and there are times that the files you send in a link ends up being incorrect or incomplete. Because of this, we’ve added new functionality to the way share links work.

Sharing assets is often a fluid situation so it only makes sense that you’d have greater flexibility with that collaboration. Here are a few ways Brandfolder has improved the way users share their assets:

  • Freely add or remove assets to share links you’ve already shared
  • Track and get notifications when the assets you’ve shared are viewed or downloaded
  • Manage all existing share links for a full view of exactly what is currently shared with whom

Whether you’re a salesperson sending collateral to a customer or a marketer sharing brand content with an agency, you have better control of and insight into the assets you share. This means no more lost files, size limits or unnecessary anxiety over what and where assets have been shared.

Video Closed Captioning

Adding closed captioning to videos in Brandfolder is now as simple as attaching the right SRT or VTT files to the video asset in Brandfolder. This functionality comes with some additional benefits worth noting:

  • Supports multiple languages
  • Available in the Brandfolder media player when embedded via CDN
  • Viewers are able to choose font, color and screen position

Why video closed captioning matters

When embedding videos across your digital presence, ensuring accessibility is of the utmost importance. Closed captioning is a large part of that goal but can be difficult to manage. Along with the rest of your digital assets, the inclusion and upkeep of closed captioning in videos can now be easily maintained from your single source of truth: Brandfolder.

Guest User Permissions

For some Brandfolders, admins and collaborators are internal company users, while guest users are external users. When this is the case, guest users often don’t have the same context as the admins and collaborators when it comes to brand details and the way assets are organized. Ultimately it can mean they don’t always understand nuances like best cropping practices or the structure of content taxonomy.

In order to give Brandfolder admins more control over how guest users can interact with assets, Brandfolder has added some additional options to collection level settings.

Cropping: Enable or disable cropping for guest users before they export files.

Custom fields: Choose whether guest or public users can see custom field information from collections and share links.

Metadata: Enable or disable visibility of the metadata tab of an asset modal shared in collections or share links with guest and public users.

Tags: Choose whether guest or public users are able to see tags in the asset modal from collections and share links.

Why guest user permissions matter

There are plenty of reasons why a brand might want to hide or make available important asset details.

A sales team for instance might find taxonomy such as custom fields, labels, and tags useful when looking for the right content to share with prospects, but it isn’t useful to the prospects themselves. Or, as brand marketers look to maintain proper usage of assets by external partners, disabling cropping can help ensure those assets are being used correctly.

Take a look at our product timeline for a full view of the past, present and future of DAM with Brandfolder.