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The Best of Brandfolder Security: Protecting your most valuable assets

Brand assets are kind of like secrets: they should only be shared with the people you trust most, at exactly the right time.

If you’re a marketing manager or creative director, this isn’t news to you. You understand the importance of brand security — from keeping a high-profile rebrand under wraps until launch, to sharing confidential sales reports with only a select few individuals.

We understand the complexities of these needs, and we want to make sure you know all the ways in which Brandfolder keeps your brand safe and secure. _Here’s how to keep your digital assets{:target="blank"} safe in Brandfolder’s cloud-based DAM solution, no matter who you share your assets with.

Brandfolder Security: Engineered in the Cloud

Keeping your assets in a desktop file or email is inefficient (but you’re a smart cookie — and you knew that). Plus, you already trust the cloud to keep your personal information safe across everyday apps like Gmail, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Why should it be different for your brand assets?

In addition to enabling global team collaboration and a more flexible working schedule, Brandfolder’s cloud infrastructure is much more secure than on-premise solutions that exist on your desktop. We take extra measures to ensure our platform is secure in many ways, including conducting routine vulnerability testing. We can also assure that Brandfolder’s database and all secure data is not publicly accessible, meaning that all of your assets are always safe from unwanted use.

Single Sign-On: A Quick, Secure Way to Log in

It’s time to forget that crumpled piece of scrap paper where you scribble all of your internet passwords. Brandfolder’s Single Sign-On feature makes life easy by giving your team one less username and password to remember.

Single Sign-On means you’ll be able to log into Brandfolder using your username and password for any major platform your team prefers to use. For example, your organization may choose to let all employees sign in with their Google identity information. To make signing in easy and convenient, you can enable Single Sign-On with any program that supports the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0).

Multi-Factor Authentication: An Advanced Way to Identify Your Users

Similarly to the heavy-duty lock box in your Grandpa’s study, Brandfolder’s highly secure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) feature protects your assets from all unwanted access. When MFA is enabled on your Brandfolder, every user will be required to enter an extra seven-digit security code in addition to their regular password.

Users have the option to send the seven-digit code to their mobile device or email, ensuring that only the right person can access the exact code at that time.

Advanced Permissions: Customize User Access

Sometimes, you need to share a specific set of logos with your internal design team; other times a member of the press needs to access a single product shot. No matter what your Digital Asset Management needs are, we understand that they’re dynamic.

That’s why we created four different Brandfolder user types: owners, admins, collaborators and guests. Each time you need to securely share your Brandfolder, a group of assets, or a single file, you can determine someone’s level of access.

Private Brandfolders always hide assets by default, and only display a header image, brand name, and provided social links. If you’d like to add an extra layer of privacy to your private Brandfolder, you have the option to enable Stealth Mode. When someone wants to access your Brandfolder in Stealth Mode, they’ll need to enter a specific Guest Password enabled by the Brandfolder Admin.

So there you have it — four ways Brandfolder keeps your brand safe and secure. At Brandfolder, we believe that your brand is your most valuable asset, and we’re committed to helping you protect its integrity. Interested in learning more?