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In the business world, we all know how overwhelming it can get when you have to do a lot with very little. It's not uncommon to find yourself stuck with tedious tasks that take up way too much time and resources. But there's a solution that could change everything for you and your team—content automation tools!

With these tools, you can finally wave goodbye to those time-consuming tasks and free up your team's time to focus on the important stuff that really makes a difference. Whether you're in marketing, sales, HR, or any other industry, automation can be a game-changer that helps you work smarter, not harder.

Let's dive in and explore all the benefits of content automation tools for businesses of any size or type, from smoother workflows to better teamwork.

13 Roles and Departments: How They Can Use Content Automation

In today's fast-paced business world, you know that time is of the essence. With content automation, you can streamline your processes and save valuable time by significantly reducing the amount of effort required for various tasks.

But not just the marketing department can benefit from this technology. In fact, you can use content automation to your advantage in many roles and departments. Let’s dive into thirteen of them and how you can utilize the magic of content automation to improve your organization’s workflows and overall efficiency.

1. Marketing teams

Since marketing teams leverage content for all aspects of their work, they can benefit most from content marketing automation tools. These teams produce large volumes of content that need to be tweaked continuously.

Content automation marketing solutions allow your team to:

  • Avoid errors that usually go with manual input.
  • Save a significant amount of money on creating new content.
  • Create personalized email campaigns by dynamically inserting customer names, locations, or other relevant information into email templates.
  • Generate social media graphics with easy resizing and branding, allowing for quick adaptation to different platforms and formats.

With Brandfolder's Content Automation and locked-down templates, your team can make real-time adjustments to content while maintaining branding consistency across the organization and beyond it.

2. Sales teams

With Content Automation's bulk creation features, generating follow-up mailers for event attendees, for example, is a breeze. Sales representatives can effortlessly produce a multitude of print or digital assets using data from a CSV file, such as attendee or prospecting lists.

This tool also streamlines the creation of branded sales sheets or one-pagers that automatically populate contact details, saving valuable time and ensuring consistency. The program also seamlessly merges pre-approved brand content with specific client information to generate customized proposals or contracts, making the process a no-brainer.

3. Human resources

HR specialists need to handle a significant amount of content, from interview scripts to employee training and compliance materials. Since the world of HR changes by the hour, content requires regular updates across the entire database.

Without automation, these experts need to change the content and then manually distribute it to the right recipients. This process is time-consuming and error-prone, which can cause confusion and frustration in the long run.

With Brandfolder's Content Automation tools and the supporting templates, it's easy to create branded content and change it to suit the latest needs within minutes.

Since content is an integral part of any business in virtually any industry, content automation can benefit various roles, including the following.

4. Social media marketers

Social media marketing teams need content automation tools to keep the content on the platforms fresh and relevant to the latest customers' needs. Content automation tools allow social marketers to use high-quality templates for all social media platforms.

Armed with these tools, social marketers don't have to worry about content formats across different social media channels. All they need to do is create one piece of content and add it to the available templates. This ensures branding stays consistent regardless of the platform you use.

5. Mortgage brokers

Mortgage brokers leverage numerous content types, from interactive mortgage calculators and interest rate reports to social media content and guides. This highly dynamic industry requires continuous content tweaking and updating. A small error could cost a company thousands of dollars, but not if you’re using the right tools.

Brandfolder's Content Automation can:

  • Create Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media content templates to help your employees update them easily without bothering creative team members.
  • Design and automate email marketing content to reach the target audience and drive it down the mortgage journey.
  • Streamline document production on-brand and at scale.

Leveraged with a comprehensive digital asset management (DAM) system, content automation tools allow you to adjust content throughout your assets to ensure the entire team knows about the changes in real-time.

6. Event managers

Content automation can save event managers a significant amount of time and money in several ways. They can:

  • Share promotional content across all social media platforms without worrying about adjusting image sizes or tweaking the word count.
  • Streamline email marketing by sending activity-based personalized messages.
  • Send event registration reminders and follow-up letters with all the branding elements intact.
  • Create and distribute high-quality promotional materials.

With content automation tools, they can create high-quality content at scale and reuse it for different events. This cuts time and money spent on marketing and allows your experts to focus on other revenue-generating tasks.

7. Real estate agents

Real estate agencies leverage content to drive clients down the sales funnel and re-engage passive audiences. They need to create high-quality, valuable content and distribute it across the right channels. Then these specialists need to follow up with every potential sale and listing promptly and consistently.

Content automation solves reaching both potential and existing clients consistently while maintaining brand accuracy. Brandfolder's Content Automation tools make this possible.

8. Email marketers

Email marketers can benefit greatly from content automation tools. These tools allow them to easily create high-quality content for their email campaigns. This saves a lot of time and effort, as they don't have to manually create every single email.

Content automation tools can also help personalize emails, making them more relevant to subscribers. This can lead to higher open rates, click-through rates, and, ultimately, more conversions.

9. Web designer

Content automation tools are great for web designers. They help them create content for websites quickly and easily. This gives them more time to focus on other important things, such as branding.

Using templates and predefined rules also ensures their content is consistent, within brand standards, and legally compliant with company-wide content alignment. From retail and food and beverage to hospitality and education, content automation tools are proving to be a valuable asset for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve and meet the demands of their customers. Let’s explore how certain industries can leverage these tools to enhance content creation and distribution efforts.

10. Higher education

Higher education institutions deal with large volumes of educational and marketing content. Since the content they produce and distribute must be precise and updated, employees face vast amounts of manual work. This type of work is prone to errors, which could lead to confusion and dissatisfaction.

Content automation tools allow higher education institutions to automate content creation and distribution to different audience segments. From students and faculty to third-party vendors and service providers, everyone can receive updated information on time.

In addition, a sophisticated letter template allows you to automate and streamline the letter mailing process to applicants, students, and faculty.

Two years ago, Durham University started leveraging Brandfolder's Content Automation to create brochures, social tiles, banners, and posters consistently without involving the creative team each step of the way. Over this time, Brandfolder saved the university 4,682 hours of work and £374,560 (or $462,529.16!).

11. Retail

Content automation allows retail stores to produce high-quality content much faster. They can easily create product descriptions, blog posts, social media posts, and other content types essential for engaging with their customers.

Instead of spending hours creating content from scratch, they can use these tools to create templates and automate the content creation process. They can then focus on other areas of their business, such as customer service and product development while maintaining a strong online and offline presence.

12. Food and beverage

The food and beverage industry benefits greatly from content automation tools. These tools enable creating, managing, and publishing content quickly and efficiently.

With the help of automation, food and beverage companies can produce high-quality content at scale without the need for a large team of writers and designers. This saves time and money and ensures that content is consistent and on-brand. It also helps these companies stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry and can help them engage with their audience more effectively.

13. Hospitality

By automating the content creation process, hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses can save time and resources while maintaining a consistent brand voice across all channels. They can personalize content for individual guests and create customized content based on preferences, past behavior, and demographics. This can lead to increased guest satisfaction and loyalty.

Another benefit of content automation tools is the ability to streamline the booking process. Thanks to automating the creation and distribution of promotional materials, hotels and restaurants can attract more customers and increase their revenue. Automation can also help businesses keep their online listings up-to-date with current pricing, availability, and other important information.

This results in saved time, increased revenue, and improved guest satisfaction. With the power of automation, these businesses can stay ahead of the competition and provide an exceptional guest experience.

How Do Creative Teams Benefit From Content Automation?

Brandfolder's Content Automation tools allow every team member to leverage and adjust the existing content without involving the creative team. This leaves your creative team members more time to design high-quality content for your sales and marketing needs.

Besides gaining more time for revenue-generating tasks, they can benefit from the following:

  • Streamlined workflow: They can automate repetitive content-related tasks, reduce errors, and improve work efficiency.
  • Consistent branding: This ensures consistent branding messages across all content assets without manual adjustments. They can easily create assets that meet brand standards by integrating design templates and brand guidelines.
  • Efficient asset customization: They can customize content assets for different purposes (repurpose blogs into social media posts, ebooks into guides, and much more) with minimal effort. Whether it's resizing images or incorporating personalized data into templates, Content Automation makes it quick and efficient.
  • Version control and asset management: You can integrate the content automation tool with DAM platforms to create a centralized storage space for all content assets and streamline access to the necessary materials for the entire team. This integration ensures that creative teams have access to the latest versions of assets, reducing the risk of using outdated or incorrect files.
  • Scalability: They can create, customize, and distribute larger content volumes while maintaining high quality. By automating repetitive design tasks, team members can produce assets more quickly, allowing them to meet deadlines, tackle larger projects, and support the marketing needs of a growing business.
  • Sourcing feedback: You can use collaborative features to source feedback and improve collaboration between team members and stakeholders. This tool enables real-time collaboration, version tracking, and commenting, promoting seamless teamwork and efficient iteration cycles.

Content automation tools can significantly improve your creative team’s workflow. They provide consistency in branding, template creation options, and seamless integration with DAM systems. With the right tools at their disposal, they can elevate the quality of their content and achieve their goals with confidence.

How Are DAM and Content Automation Connected?

Brandfolder offers content automation and digital asset management solutions that work together to simplify and optimize marketing content workflows. The DAM platform is a centralized hub for organizing and managing digital assets like images, videos, logos, and marketing collateral. It allows users to store, search, and share assets for easy access and consistent brand representation.

Brandfolder Content Automation works alongside the DAM platform to create dynamic, personalized marketing materials on a large scale. Integrating data-driven templates and automation capabilities allows for efficient content creation and customization, empowering teams to deliver relevant and engaging content across various channels. This combination allows users to seamlessly manage and create content while maintaining control over specific assets and templates.

Why do they work better together?

Together, these solutions improve the work of your marketing, sales, and other roles speed up content production, and ensure brand consistency of all content-related assets across teams and platforms. With these solutions in place, your departments will experience a remarkable boost in productivity when you element those repetitive creative tasks.

Content Automation Tools Benefit So Many Different Types of Roles and Teams in Any Industry

By embracing the functionality of Brandfolder and leveraging its Content Automation, teams can gain a multitude of benefits, including heightened collaboration, accelerated content creation, strengthened brand consistency, amplified productivity, and informed decision-making based on data-driven insights. This tool represents a vital asset that empowers organizations to elevate their marketing endeavors, achieve measurable outcomes, and remain competitive in today's constantly evolving business environment.

To find out more about Brandfolder's ability to improve your company's bottom line through content automation, please schedule a demo at any convenient time.