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The demand for impactful content increases daily with content creation as a top priority for 80% of marketers. With search engines like Google prioritizing helpful content and 38% of marketers struggling to create content quickly and consistently, you may find yourself wondering: Can your team keep up?

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to keep up relying on human effort alone – especially in an age where we’re all trying to do more with less. Your team needs help, and that’s where Brandfolder’s Content Automation platform comes in - enabling your campaigns to roll out faster and at a larger scale than ever before. Content Automation can help anyone on your team customize and localize content for a variety of different use cases, and also hit the market at lightning speed.

No need to burden your creative team with tedious tasks that you or your non-designers can do within the platform. Instead, they can focus on making the magic happen while your content automation platform cranks out consistent brand assets on demand.

But that’s not all it does. We’ll go over other uses, benefits and how to choose the right content automation solution for your team.

Let’s dive in!

What Content Automation Does

Content Automation harnesses the power of technology to codify your brand elements and automate manual creative production tasks, giving marketing and creative teams their time back from these repetitive requests. This process significantly reduces branding inconsistencies and errors, eliminates production bottlenecks and allows marketers to focus on strategic work.

As companies are constantly producing large amounts of creative and marketing material to keep up with the ever-changing media landscape, there is a growing need for more efficient marketing execution and to stay nimble to respond to the market changes.

Content Automation is a game changer for content production because it allows quick changes to be made to text, images, colors and themes across multiple documents with just a few clicks. This means that day-to-day brand governance is no longer a chore, but a process that takes care of itself. Teams throughout an organization can quickly and easily produce on-brand content at scale, regardless of their location.

Content Automation is an efficient, effective and adaptable solution for tackling the monotonous marketing production tasks every company must deal with. With Content Automation, organizations can keep pace with the latest innovations, responding quickly and efficiently to market demands. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits.

Benefits of Content Automation

Content Automation can help businesses save time and money while producing more consistent and effective marketing materials. By streamlining the content creation process, teams can focus on strategic work that drives growth and innovation. Here’s how:

Consistent Branding

Brand consistency is crucial for building customer trust and maintaining a strong brand identity. Content Automation allows you to codify your brand elements, ensuring that all marketing materials adhere to the same brand guidelines and style, and preventing inconsistencies that can harm a brand's image.

Faster Time-to-Market

With Content Automation, creating marketing materials becomes much quicker and more efficient. Instead of spending hours manually formatting documents or waiting on a response from a graphic designer, teams can use pre-designed templates with automated elements, allowing them to produce more content in less time.

Increased Productivity

Content Automation streamlines content creation, allowing teams to focus on strategic work requiring more creativity and problem-solving. Automating repetitive tasks frees up time and resources that can be used to develop more effective campaigns, conduct market research, and innovate.

Reduced Costs

Content Automation can significantly reduce costs associated with content creation. By eliminating tedious creative overhead, teams can work more efficiently, and businesses can save money on external agency fees, hiring additional staff, and expensive design software.


Content Automation allows businesses to scale content production to meet the needs of their growing audience without increasing costs or compromising quality. As businesses expand into new markets or product lines, Content Automation ensures that marketing materials are produced consistently, accurately and efficiently.

Improved Collaboration

Content Automation comes with collaboration features that allow teams to work together on projects in real-time. This allows for better communication and makes it easier to share ideas, leading to higher-quality content and more effective campaigns.

How to Measure These Benefits

Although some of these benefits can be challenging to measure and assess, a straightforward and concrete way to gauge the value of a content automation platform is to regularly track and attribute ROI to production output within the tool.

The critical question that customers ask is how much it would cost to produce similar content without Content Automation, which is typically done through in-house design teams or external agencies.

Content Automation improves ROI by reducing costs associated with manual content production, such as staffing, design software and agency fees, while also streamlining the content creation process.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Content Automation Tool

Selecting the right content automation tool can make or break your investment. How can you ensure you’re choosing the right one for your team?

A good content automation tool, like Brandfolder, is scalable as you continue to produce more and more content, easily integrates with the systems you already have in place, can be customized to fit your team’s needs, and is user-friendly for creatives and non-creatives alike. Revisit your content objectives and goals and look for a tool that aligns with and ultimately improves your content creation process to help you reach those goals.

It’s important to remember that content automation tools are rules-based approaches to handling, processing and storing data. Those rules still need to be defined, meaning an organization must know how it wants to use its content best.

Content Automation Streamlines Your Content Marketing Strategy

A content automation platform should help your team keep up with productivity while streamlining monotonous work. That’s a solution your whole team can get behind.

Brandfolder’s Content Automation tool is already helping enterprise organizations augment their existing content creation and management processes with automation. The solution helps streamline and optimize content marketing strategies, helping increase productivity while maintaining or reducing existing overhead.

That’s just what Durham University experienced when they decided to put content automation to the test with their digital assets. With the help of Brandfolder, staff gained the ability to easily create localized brochures, social media tiles, banners, posters and leaflets using flexible templates that stayed on-brand. Brandfolder Content Automation's user-friendly interface enabled staff to make changes without relying on the marketing team. Marketing still had input and oversight, but they were seen as strategic partners rather than blockers.

This helped keep costs down and prioritize external design partners. Brandfolder also provided ongoing training and support to ensure confidence and compatibility with the platform. Since implementing Brandfolder Content Automation, Durham University’s marketing initiatives, brand consistency, individual productivity and team collaboration have all seen more improvement with less effort. They’ve saved over 4,682 hours of design work and an estimated £374,560 (more than $464, 000)!

If your organization could benefit from doing more with less, it’s time to explore integrating content automation into your existing workflows. Schedule a demo with Brandfolder today! Our dedicated experts will help you understand how content automation can help your specific business with its unique use cases and needs.