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How One of the Fastest Growing Manufacturing Companies Manages their Global Brand

Headquartered in Fort Worth TX, Ulterra is one of the fastest growing drill bit companies in the world and is equipped with the most innovative designs and technologies. After years of using a one-dimensional shared drive to organize their assets, they eagerly made the switch to Brandfolder — and immediately saw a huge increase in their brand consistency and team efficiency. We sat down with Nicole Wiseman, the Communications Coordinator at Ulterra to discuss which teams utilize the platform, how their global collaboration has improved and why they ultimately decided to make the switch to Brandfolder.

Making the Switch

“We were using a share drive before Brandfolder, and ended up deciding on the platform after a few trials with some other DAM platforms,” Nicole told us. “One of our biggest challenges was having a disorganized share drive, and Brandfolder had a great user interface for organizing our library.” By choosing to go with Brandfolder, Ulterra’s assets are no longer stored in a one-dimensional folder and are now easy to access and search.

Another big benefit of making the switch was brand consistency. Prior to investing in Brandfolder, keeping their logos and marketing collateral consistent across such a large global company was difficult — and it was easy for mistakes to be made. With a recent rebrand, Brandfolder allows Ulterra to keep different teams on the same page in regards to logos, graphics, and other time-sensitive assets. Now, instead of digging for the right assets to share with the right people, the marketing team can rely on Brandfolder to do that busy work for them.

“One of the biggest things Brandfolder has saved us from is having to make people wait on things. If anyone ever needs an asset or logo on the spot, and they’re not near your computer, they can access it conveniently through their phone.”
— Nicole Wiseman, Ulterra

Who’s on Board

Investing in Brandfolder’s platform didn’t just benefit one department — it’s used virtually company-wide. “Basically, all of our teams use Brandfolder,” Nicole says. “It’s primarily used by the marketing team, but our entire salesforce also uses it, plus different designers and engineers!”

When asked about distributing assets outside the company, Nicole referred to the many external contractors they collaborate with. “We work with an external PR firm and are also rebranding our website, so it’s been helping us get the correct assets to contractors. It’s been really useful in terms of permissions and access, and distributing these assets for a limited time.” To make their asset distribution seamless, Ulterra can create a “collection” or a group of assets on their Brandfolder, and even set an expiration date so the contractor’s access ends on a date specified by Ulterra’s team.

Streamlining Ulterra’s Global Collaboration

Ulterra boasts a large global footprint: With manufacturing facilities in Canada, as well as repair facilities in Colombia, Argentina, and Kurdistan, Ulterra relies on Brandfolder to help keep everyone on the same page when it comes to current logos, marketing materials, and other time-sensitive assets. “While our corporate office (housing our finance, marketing, HR and IP teams) is in Fort Worth, we have a lot of sales teams throughout the U.S. and internationally. A lot of those people don’t get updated branding messages because they’re so far away, so using a Brandfolder keeps everyone on the same page.”

Ulterra’s Brandfolder has acted as a central asset hub for their whole team — whether they’re a marketer or an external contractor, from Colorado to South America. “Investing in Brandfolder was a good push to say, ‘Hey, these are the assets we have, and this is what you’re supposed to be using.’ It’s become an important source of truth for the whole team.”

Could your team, whether big or small, benefit from Brandfolder?

About Ulterra

Ulterra is the leading manufacturer of PDC drill bits that are equipped with the most innovative designs and technologies. Dedicated to maximizing the efficiency of oil and gas drilling through the use of groundbreaking drill bits and application-specific technologies, they’ve built their renowned reputation on performance and unmatched speed-to-market.