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The way people consume content is ever-evolving – but regardless of how people are consuming it, it’s clear they’re consuming more and more. A staggering 85 percent of respondents to the Lucidpress research have seen an increased demand for content within 2021, and it’s not intended to slow down.

With content consumption on the rise, marketers and creatives have felt the pressure to keep up with the growing demand by producing more content with the resources they have. But how can marketing teams create more without increasing production costs? Teams are searching for answers and hoping the right martech solution can provide what they need.

Content automation offers a fast, efficient and scalable solution to complete those repetitive marketing production requests that every company needs, enabling anyone in your organization – creatives and non-creatives – to respond at breakneck speeds.

We’re digging into the utility and cost-effectiveness of Brandfolder’s Content Automation solution in this ROI e-book and how our platform empowers teams to self-produce brand templating content at scale, with speed and on brand…every time. Get results when you use content automation and learn the ROI of brand templating in this e-book by downloading below.

Get the ROI eBook