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6 Ways Sales Enablement is Enhanced by DAM

For sales organizations, while coffee might be for closers, content is for close-ing.

Afterall, sales enablement content is essential to, well, doing just that… enabling sales. But how do sales teams ensure they, and the clients they reach out to, are getting the most out of that content?

This blog highlights six answers to that question, as a component of the role digital asset management plays in maximizing content across an organization.

Watch the full video or skip ahead to sections below:

1.) Insights Into Prospect Engagement
2.) Sales Enablement Content Discoverability
3.) The Personalized Touch of Portals
4.) Asset Availability and Permissions
5.) Asset Sharing, With Options
6.) Templates

Brandfolder digital asset management makes sales enablement content accessible from anywhere in the world, providing a single source of truth for your sales team no matter where they are. This centralized access not only reduces confusion and requests for existing assets, but also streamlines the rollout of new assets.

With that in mind, here are the top six ways Brandfolder digital asset management enables sales teams to close deals.

Even the best sales reps are often left wondering, “did that lead see what I sent?” And, “did they find what I sent valuable?” No matter who’s managing your sales enablement content, the ability to answer this question is incredibly important to understanding whether the message you’re sharing sticks.

Brandfolder insights allow for a look into how assets included in prospect outreach are being opened, engaged with and, ultimately, being found valuable. Get real time metrics showing which assets are being used, who is using them and link that information back to closed deals to better inform current strategy and future content production.

With Brandfolder, an up-to-date library of available sales collateral is always at your sales team’s fingertips.

The world’s most intuitive search (powered by Brand Intelligence)is combined with powerful organization tools like Portals, Collections, Labels, and Pins. Not to mention built in features like auto-tagging (which automatically attaches relevant search terms to assets) and suggested content.

For instance, assets can also be curated to serve different aspects of your sales cycle. Brandfolder lets you give quick access to the right asset for any situation by organizing them by ‘opportunity stage’ or ‘buying scenario’ and more using collections or features like Labels and Pins.

Bottom line is, Brandfolder enables your sales team to find the right asset, at the right time, every time.

Set up a one-stop-shop for sales enablement, designed for any audience, with all relevant assets curated in one place. With Portals and collections, you can customize the way your sales team or clients access approved assets with an easy drag-and-drop interface.

You know your customers best, so show them with an experience that speaks directly to their interests and that’s available for reference at any time.

While it's a fairly common situation, that makes it no less frustrating. Attaching out of date or unapproved assets to client communications can cause major problems… even potential legal issues.

Brandfolder ensures that only certain groups have access to certain assets until they’re approved.

For example, set approval dates and times to coincide with a product launch, automatically ensuring that the new product doesn’t accidentally leak. Once an asset is approved, either manually or using date and time criteria, it will automatically appear to the sales team.

As a result, sales teams can share content at will and with confidence, leaving your brand no doubt as to whether outdated or unaprovved assets are floating around.

With Brandfolder, securely sharing assets with clients is as easy as clicking a few buttons. Just select one, or multiple, assets, click share, and select the best options.

Share links for a specific piece of content can be updated even after an asset has been sent, automatically replacing the previous version, ensuring what you have is the most up to date.

For example, if you send a proposal with Brandfolder and then realize you need to make a change, not only will the link sent to your customer still work, it will point to the latest version.

Need to share a specific file format and don’t want to bug the creative team? Assets are also available for download in the format of your choice. Select the file type (for example, PDF, JPG or PNG) to share or download directly.

Stop us if it sounds familiar; someone from the sales team NEEDS some kind of asset for a specific purpose such as follow up email templatesor quote templates… and they need it right now.

It’s understandable, when communicating with what’s often a wide range of potential clients on the fly, there are bound to be regular instances when the best possible piece of sales enablement material isn’t readily available… that is, without Brandfolder Templates.

When it comes to simple creative tasks, Templates are yet another way Brandfolder removes roadblocks between sales, marketing and creative teams to streamline personalized content production.

Pre-approved sales enablement content can be set with locked design elements, allowing different teams to personalize and localize messaging before sharing.

Imagine empowering your sales team to create on-brand, professional looking proposals specific to each deal without the need to ask the creative team for quick edits every time.