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5 Reasons You Should Be Sharing Your Brand Assets

In a climate where cybersecurity is a hot-button issue and something every enterprise is concerned with, it’s important for your brand assets to be protected. At the same time, that doesn’t mean you should bury them in the basement with a supply of rations that would rival your Dad’s Y2K stash.

When it comes to your brand assets, you don't need a bunker, you just might need Brandfolder and a DAM that promotes both security as well as transparency.

Sharing assets isn't always straightforward. There are assets you never want to share, there are some that you’re not quite ready for the world to see and there are some you want to get out immediatly. With Brandfolder, you keep full control over access to those assets.

Watch how DAM helps securely share your brand assets, and follow these five reasons for why you should be sharing those assets in the first place:

1. It’s a Better Representation of Your Brand

Brandfolder allows you to share the right assets, with the right people at the right time.

Creative control ensures your brand is always represented correctly and is consistent with brand guidelines across all channels. You have a brand persona and strategy for a reason (which doesn't come cheap) and brand consistency is key to a successful customer experience.

Organizing assets for sharing makes sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck by maximizing the useage of the assets you worked so hard to create.

2. It’s Not Hard to do Anymore

In a time that is thankfully lightyears behind us, you had to share bulky files, zip drives and email attachments with that one co-worker, Sue.

After emailing assets, you had to share them again two months later because Sue inevitably lost your email or file (to be fair, Sue gets a lot of emails). You also had no control over who Sue shared your files with and (knowing Sue) she shared them with everyone.

Thankfully, the way we share assets has changed. Downloading and reuploading assets in multiple locations can be a bygone era. Using DAM, you can easily upload and share your assets (in the way that best suits your purpose) with just a few simple clicks.

3. It Gives You Complete Control Over Who Sees What

Digital asset management allows you to have control over who sees your assets. When ready for distribution, select one asset or 100, and share those assets with the internal or external teams of your choosing — even individual users, like Sue.

Within Brandfolder, you can also monitor who’s doing what with those assets and get insight into how those assets are performing. Want to see which assets are most popular, what your sales team is accessing or what the heck Sue’s up to? Take control of it all with Brandfolder insights.

4. It Saves Your Team Time

It might be cliche, but marketers and creatives often wear many hats. It’s one of the aspects that keeps the job interesting, but it’s also makes it important to save time on simple tasks. This allows those teams time they need to work on things like strategy and being creative.

With features like CDN links, DAM can streamline your brand's entire digial presence and create dynamic customer experiences. By sharing certain assets on your website, or making them readily available on your internal network, you can cut out the time spent answering email requests for press kits, updated logos, or the 14th asset request from your old friend Sue.

5. It Tells People How to Use Your Assets

You can also attach brand guidelines and include instructions for how each asset should be used.

Want to let your design team know that your specially formulated "Cayenne Pantone" should only be used in header fonts? Or maybe you’d like to make it easy for the media to know exactly where you’d like your images or mission statement to be placed. Add those notes in your Brandfolder to easily make sure your brand is always represented the way you want in any campaign.

Sharing Brand Assets

You can’t always share your brand, but there are times when it’s not only appropriate, it’s necessary. Learn how digital asset management software can make it simple and secure.