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If you’re using digital asset management software and you haven’t set up integrations with the other tools in your workflows — like content management systems, project management software, CRM systems, product information management systems (and so on) — you’re missing out on several core benefits of using DAM software. 

Digital asset management integrations make life easier for a variety of reasons. You can: 

  • Access DAM files in the other software you use. For example, you could store product imagery and 3D models in your DAM and then pull content directly onto your eCommerce site without having to jump between software.
  • Send new assets from native apps to the DAM without uploads and downloads.  
  • Push asset data (like metadata information and usage analytics) between systems to get a complete picture of how and where assets are used, and which assets perform the best in your projects. 
  • Use DAM software as a single source of truth to power online publishing and file hosting.


In this post, we talk about eight of the most beneficial digital asset management integrations you should be using. At the end, we’ll briefly talk about how Brandfolder integrations work. 

Let’s get started! 

You can schedule a demo of Brandfolder to learn more about our digital asset management features and integrations, and see how we can tailor our DAM platform to support your teams.

1. Creative Applications & Graphic Design Tools

Integrations with graphic design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud, Canva, Figma, and Sketch support the creative workflow by enabling you to send files between systems, update content that already lives in your DAM, and track detailed asset version history

Creative teams can mockup templates or other creative collateral and push files directly into Brandfolder, without having to download and re-upload the content. Then, marketing teams and other users can find approved collateral and repurpose it for their use case (while staying on-brand) — they don’t need to ask a designer to send or approve new collateral for every project.     

These integrations also make it possible for designers to access brand assets from the apps they’re working in. For example, say you’re working on a promotional poster in Photoshop and want to insert your brand logo in the corner: You could open the Brandfolder extension in Photoshop, search your library for the right file, and automatically drop it into your poster. This connection saves time, maintains the quality of assets, and improves brand consistency.  

Brandfolder integrates with…

Read more: Digital Asset Management for Designers: The #1 DAM Solution for Creatives

2. Project Management Systems

Integrating Brandfolder with your project management system lets you attach digital content from the DAM in the PM, send finalized and approved content to the DAM system, and use reporting tools from both systems in sync. You can track marketing campaigns and creative requests via the project management system, while storing all of the files you use for projects in Brandfolder.  

Note: Brandfolder also has a native project management tool, Workspace, that lets you create tasks, assign tasks to team members, and track task status. You can use this feature to manage work-in-progress files and make sure that each member of your team has the resources to efficiently play their part in projects. 

Brandfolder integrates with…

Read about how Brandfolder and Smartsheet bring work management and DAM functionality together in one powerful platform.

3. Product Information Management (PIM) Systems

Digital asset management software like Brandfolder lets you store metadata and custom field information with your brand assets. However, a majority of enterprise eComm, retail, manufacturing, and CPG brands need a dedicated solution to manage more granular product information. 

When you connect your DAM and PIM system, you can structure, save, and access detailed product information in the PIM, but still view that data in the DAM when pulling the associated brand assets. 

Brandfolder integrates with Salsify’s PIM software but we also have an open-source API so we can build custom integrations to other project management solutions.

4. Content Management Systems

DAM integrations with CMS software are really convenient for marketers and content creators because they allow you to source DAM content for your website or blog while working in WordPress, Contentful, Drupal (or whichever CMS you use).

Instead of uploading and accessing content from the media library, you can open the Brandfolder integration panel from the Page or Post you’re working in, search available brand assets, and insert the images or videos you want to publish. This streamlines publishing and guarantees you’re posting the most high-quality versions of your digital content.   

Brandfolder integrates with…

Read more: Brandfolder’s Digital Asset Management WordPress Solution

5. Sales Enablement Platforms

Integrating Brandfolder with your sales enablement platform makes it easier to organize, manage, and access marketing and sales collateral in both systems. You can store digital content in the DAM and use advanced features like expirations and duplicate asset detection to keep your content library organized and updated (so marketers and members of your sales team can always access the most current versions of files). Then, you can access Brandfolder’s cloud-based storage features within your CRM by opening the integration panel. You don’t have files living in both places, so you don’t have to manage libraries separately. 

Brandfolder integrates with…

6. Marcom & Social Media Applications

Brandfolder also integrates with marketing software so you can drop digital content into email newsletters, social media posts, templates, and other marketing projects. When you connect systems, you can access, search, and drop DAM content in applications like HubSpot and Hootsuite from the integration panel. This way, you know content is optimized for the medium you wish to publish, and you can automate asset updates (as any edits made in Brandfolder will automatically reflect where content is published — more on that later). 

Brandfolder integrates with…

7. eCommerce Platforms

Brandfolder integrations with eCommerce platforms are similar in concept: You can connect Brandfolder with your Shopify platform and instantly add imagery to product pages. Search the most current, approved shots and drop them on your site for customers. You can publish high-quality versions of product images that make for the best customer experience. 

Brandfolder has a native integration with Shopify, but as we mentioned above, we can also build custom integrations with other eCommerce sites.

8. Workspace Collaboration Tools

You can set up integrations with your daily tools like messengers to make sharing digital assets easier. Instead of downloading or sharing files from the DAM, you can open the Brandfolder panel from inside, say, Slack or Microsoft Teams, and quickly drop a file into the conversation you’re having… all without leaving the thread. 

We also have an extension with Google Chrome so you can access DAM files while browsing the web and working in other sites. For example, say you’re scrolling on Twitter and want to respond to a tweet with a GIF from your DAM library, you could pull up the asset library from the Chrome extension and instantly drop the file, without interrupting your workflow.

Brandfolder integrates with…

Bonus: Brandfolder Content Delivery Network (CDN) System

Brandfolder has a built-in content delivery network (CDN) system so you can use Brandfolder to host files you publish online. 

The way it works is simple — Brandfolder assigns every file a unique CDN link, so you can copy that link and paste it anywhere you want to embed assets. Then, Brandfolder is the source of the file, so if you make edits to the file in Brandfolder (say you update the file or set it to expire) all of those changes will automatically translate anywhere you’ve published content. 

It simplifies brand management and lets you maintain consistency across all digital touchpoints.


And not only does the CDN improve brand consistency, but it also lets you get a deeper picture on the analytics side. You can use Brandfolder Insights to monitor what’s happening in the DAM system — for example, we generate quick reports so you can see how many times files are viewed, downloaded, and shared, and see which assets are most popular. 

When you combine insights from the CDN system, you can see how many times an asset has been published online, where it’s published, and how often target audiences engage with content. 

asset reporting  

Then, you can use all of this data to determine effective assets and speak to the success of projects, and strategically gameplan future projects.

Brandfolder DAM Integrations: Set Up & Getting Started

Search Brandfolder Integrations

Brandfolder has native integrations with dozens of software, so you can: 

  1. Download our digital asset management extension in the software you want to integrate with. 
  2. Enter your API code and login credentials.
  3. Start using the systems together!


We also have an open-source API that allows us to accommodate custom integrations, and our team takes the lead on building those integrations so you can get set up quickly and easily. Our API panel is pretty user-friendly (especially for developers), so some teams are able to configure these integrations on their own.  

We’ll help you set up all digital asset management integrations during onboarding so you can use your systems in tandem and start reaping all of the benefits of DAM software from day one. Then you can update, remove, or add integrations as you go.

Schedule a call with our team to demo Brandfolder’s digital asset management platform and talk about how you’d like DAM software to support your business and mesh with your current digital ecosystem.

Want to learn more about digital asset management software and choosing the right DAM for your teams? You can also check out some of our other guides: